Sunday, August 13, 2006

Amitabh Bachchan still dominates Karachi streets

ApunkaChoice Bollywood mega superstar Amitabh Bachchan continued to dominate the streets of Karachi today. That was despite the city government's orders for removal of billboards showing him in front of a Pakistani flag, as new hoardings came up with the star's image against a green background. The publicity wing of Telefun, a private call-in entertainment company, while complying with the government's instructions, has placed new billboards and posters on all the major city streets showing Bachchan against a green background. Telefun is using Bachchan's image as part of their efforts to promote their call-in programmes and quizzes. However, authorities here took objection to posters showing Bachchan in front of a Pakistani flag and ordered their removal. "The city government's (initial) objection was justified and we understand their position. Now we have replaced the Pakistani flag with a green background to which the local administration should not have any objections," a spokesman of Telefun said today. Interestingly, Bachchan, who is immensely popular in Pakistan, has not been signed by Telefun nor he would be making any guest appearance in any of its shows. More than 2,500 billboards and banners of all sizes are installed at all the major roads of the city to promote Telefun's new show that would be launched on August 14 -- Pakistan's independence day. Local Radio FM 106.2 last month started its new series by the name of legends, focusing on the achievements, interviews and careers of Indian filmstars. Bachchan was the first to be heard on the channel that drew tremendous response. "We received tremendous response from the public. We have played Bachchan's interview more than a dozen times on the request of the listeners," a channel spokesman said.

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